On the morning of 23 July 2008, a meeting was held to promote exchange between Education Forum for Asia (EFA) and the delegation of schoolmasters of middle schools located in Alberta, Canada, at the International Culture Center of Capital Normal University. Representatives present were Ms. Isabella Liu, Executive Director of EFA, Mr. Michael Parsons and Mr. Pei Zhirong from EFA, and 26 consultants from schools all over Canada.
The meeting began at 8:30 a.m. At first, Ms. Isabella Liu began the meeting by extending a warm welcome to the Canadian delegation. Mr. Parsons proceeded to give a detailed presentation of the history, objectives and development of the EFA and the EFA’s great contribution to Asian educational cooperation as a non-profit organization. At last, Ms. Isabella Liu answered guests’ questions and exchanged ideas for collaboration and cooperation on basic education programs. Many exciting proposals were informally discussed. The meeting ended at approximately 10 a.m. in harmonious atmosphere.
The meeting was a wonderful success and laid the foundation for the further development of the education cooperation market in the Asia-Pacific region.