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陈泽炎 中国会展经济研究会秘书长,《中国展览年鉴》编辑委员会委员


     陈泽炎 男 1945年9月生,中国会展经济研究会秘书长,教授级高级工程师,中国机械工程学会高级会员。

     Mr. Chen Zeyan, Secretary General of China Convention & Exhibition Society, Professor and senior engineer, the senior member of Chinese Mechanical Society
     Graduated from Machinery Engineering department, Beijing University of Technology,in 1968;
     1988 to 2005, the Vice Present of CCPIT machinery Sub – Council;
     2006 to present, the Secretary General of China Convention & Exhibition Society
     2005—2009,the speaker of CEFCO.



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