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Professor,   Director, Institute of Resource Protection and Toursim,

School of Architecture,

Tsinghua University

E-mail: yrui@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn    

Telephone:  86.10.60797027                   




19952003, Ph. D. of Landscape  ArchitectureTsinghua University

1989-1991, Master of Urban Planning & Design, Tsinghua University,

1984-1989, Bachelor of Architecture,  Tsinghua University




2005-Present, Director, Department of Landscape Planning & Recreation, Beijing Singh Urban Planning & Design Institute

2000-Present, Director, Institute of Resource Protection and Tourism,Tsingh Univerity

1997-1998, Visiting Scholor, Department of Landscape Arcitecture,  the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

1991-Present, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University




1.2007-, General Management Plan for the Temple of Heaven World Cultural Heritage, Beijing, China

2.2007-, General Management Plan for Altar of Earth and Harvests, Beijing, China

3.2005-, The Nomination Report of Mount Wutai to be Listed in World Heritage List (Team Leader)

4.2005-,  The 11th  National Five-year Plan for Protecting National Natural and Cultural Heritage (Head of  Draftsmen)

5.2004-,  General Management Plan for Mount Wutai  National Park (Team Leader)

6.2004- , General Plan for the Protected Area System of Beijing, China (Team Leader)

7.2002-, General Management Plan for Mount Huangshan Mixed World Heritage

Site, China((Project Director)

8.2001-2002, General Management Plan for Meili Snow Mountains National Park, China(Project Director)

9.2000, Strategies Plan for Mountains and Lakes Area of Anhui Province, China (National Expert invited by the World Tourism Organization)

10.2000-2001 General Management Plan for Jingbo National Park, Helongjiang Province, China (Project Director)

11.1999-, General Plan for Taishan Mixed World Heritage Site, Shandong Province, China  (Project Director)

12.1999-, Action Plan to Build a National Park and Protected Area System in the North-western Region of Yunnan Province, China (Executive Project Director)

13.1996 -1997, Campus Planning for the Tsinghua University, Beijing  (Main Member)

14.1994 -1996, Planning on the Three Gorges Scenic Area, Hubei Province (Project Director)

15.1994 -1996, Detailed Planning on the Yalong Bay National Recreation Area, Hainan Province (Project Director)

16.1994 -1995, Planning and Design on the Rushan Seashore Recreation Area, Shandong Province (Project Director)

17.1994, Planning and Design on the Baihualing Province Park, Hainan Province (Project Director)

18.1993, Master Planning on the Jianfengling National Forest Park, Hainan Province (Project Director)

19.1992 -1994, Master Planning on the Yalong Bay National Recreation Area, Hainan Province ( Main Member)

20.1991 -1992, Landscape Planning  on the Riverfront between Summer Palace and Sisa Lake / Yuyuan Lake, Beijing (Main Member)

21.1991, Master Planning for Shi Qiaozi New Town, Liaoning Province, China (Main Member)




1.       YANGRui etc:Building Harmony Among Resource Protection, Tourism, and Communinity Development- General  Management Plan of Meili Snow Mountain National ParkVirtual CongressWorld Heritage in the Digital Age2002/10, Beijing

2.YANG Rui, Zuo Xiaoping:Issues and solutions: Tourism development at Mt. Taishan National Park》,WTO/UNEP International Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Islands of the Asia-Pacific Region.  Sanya, Hainan ProvinceChina 68 December 2000.


3.YANG Rui:Improving the park and Protected Area System in the North Western Region of Yunnan Province》。 Paper for Conference on Improving management of Natural and Cultural Heritage Resources in China, 2000/12.

4.DANG Anrong, YANG Rui MAO Qizhi:Application Study on Landscape Planning Supported by Spatial Information Technology》,WPSC2001.

5.YANG Rui, Zuo Xiaoping: Current Situation and Major Challengers in the Preservation of World Natural and Mixed Heritage In P. R. China》,UNESCO Workshop for the Regional Synthesis Periodic Reports In Hanoi 20-23 Jan. 2003

6.YANG Rui: What Could China Learn from the Evolution and Experience of the National Park System of the United States.  Chinese Landscape Journal.  2000, 6.

7.YANG Rui:Searching the Balance Point between Conservation and Development.  City Planning Review. 1997,2 .

8.YANG Rui:Study on Visitor Carrying Capacity in Chinese Scenic Areas.  Urban Planning Forum. 1996,6.

9.YANG Rui:Study on the Concept System of  Carrying Capacity in Chinese Scenic Areas.  Selected Essays on Architecture Research (Edited by Hu Shaoxue etc.). China Construction Industry Press. 1996,10

10.YANG Rui, ZHENG Guangzhong: Study on the Landscape Planning of the Riverfront between Summer Palace and Sisa Lake / Yuyuan Lake ( Beijing).  Selected Essays on the City  Planning of  Beijing( Edited by Zuo Chuan etc.).  China Construction Industry Press. 1996,10

11.YANG Rui:Study on the Planning and Design for the Yalong Bay National Resort with Ecological Concepts. Proceeding of the East Asia and Both Sides of the Straits Symposium on Ecotourism (Taiwan). 1995,5

12.YANG Rui:Planning Study on the Yalong Bay  Scenic Areas. City Planning Review  (China). 1993,2


杨锐,现任清华大学建筑学院景观学系副主任,资源保护和 风景旅游研究所所长;建筑学院学位委员会委员;国家注册城市规划师。中国城市规划学会风景园林与环境规划设计学术委员会委员、建设部风景园林专家组成员、国家林业局森林资源评价委员会委员。

1989年获清华大学学士学位-建筑学专业。 1991年获清华大学硕士学位-城市规划与设计专业。 2003年获清华大学工学博士学位-城市规划与设计(含风景园林)专业。 199712月-199812月,美国哈佛大学设计学研究生院景观学系访问学者。


正在承担或已完成的科研项目和研究性规划设计10余项:黄山风景名胜区总体规划(20032025),项目负责人;安徽两山一湖旅游发展总体规划, 世界旅游组织聘请专家;梅里雪山国家重点风景名胜区总体规划,项目负责人;镜泊湖国家重点风景名胜区总体规划,项目负责人;泰山国家重点风景名胜区总体规划(20012020),项目负责人;建立完善滇西北国家公园与保护区体系的行动计划(云南),课题负责人;滇西北人居环境(含国家公园)可持续发展研究,课题负责人;旅游规划通则(国家标准),主要起草者;宜昌市旅游发展总体规划(湖北),项目组副组长;三峡工程坝区风景旅游总体规划(湖北),项目负责人;三峡工程坝区风景旅游可行性研究(湖北),项目负责人;尖峰岭国家森林公园总体规划(海南),项目负责人;亚龙湾国家旅游度假区总体规划(海南),项目负责人;亚龙湾国家旅游度假区修建性详细规划(海南),项目负责人;北京颐和园至什刹海和玉渊潭水系景观与土地利用规划,骨干成员。
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